Tuesday, June 30, 2009

And it happens again...

Another Airbus crashed this Tuesday morning in the Comoros Islands... 153 people were in the plane and amazingly a 5-year-old kid survived the accident. As for other survivors I don't know. They already found a bunch of debris and some bodies along the coast. Exactly a month after the terrible crash of the AF 447 flight, which left from Rio de Janeiro with Paris as its final destination and, in the middle of the Atlantic, disappeared, killing all the 228 people aboard.

Most (if not all) of these people were not celebrities. They were normal people either going on vacation, or on a study abroad trip, or whatever reason. They all left their families behind. :( I can see how people are so devastated with Michael Jackson's death, but at the same time, he was ONE person. He wasn't 228. Nor 153.

Honestly, the fact that 2 planes crashed in a month's period is much more reason for me to be sad. Michael's family will still earn money with royalties, especially now that he passed away -- everyone will buy his stuff.

What about the victims of those plane crashes? Maybe some kind of settlement that will last them for a couple of years, to help cover for funeral expenses and for them to get by for a while...

For those big fans of Michael, it's not that I don't like him. I actually do! I guess it's just the way I see things...

Peace for the families of those 381 people that left them behind.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Tirei do blog de Cynthia... Uma onda!!!

Mórmon não diz o que sabe: presta testemunho.
Mórmon não afirma: testifica.
Pra mórmon não existe mentira: existe apostasia.
Mórmon não paquera: procura um parceiro celestial.
Mórmon não casa até que a morte os separe: sela para toda a eternidade.
Mórmon não pensa: pondera.
Mórmon não cuida da saúde: guarda a Palavra de Sabedoria.
Mórmon não tem intuição: tem o dom do Espírito Santo.
Mórmon não tem energia: tem fogo nos ossos.
Mormon não tem problemas: passa por provações.
Mórmon não supera dificuldades: sobrepuja fraquezas.
Mórmon não morre: vai para o mundo espiritual.
Mórmon não peca: fubeca.
Mórmon não lê a Bíblia: ESTUDA AS ESCRITURAS!!!!!.
Mórmon não cumpre penitência: fica em Período Probatório.
Mórmo não reza: conversa com o Pai Celestial.
Mórmon não aconselha: exorta.
Pra mórmon não existe índio: existe lamanita.
Mórmon não faz acordo: faz convênio.
Mórmon não chama a atenção: queima.
Mórmon não é mórmon: é Santo Dos Últimos Dias.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Power of a Simple Prayer

I have been trying to be better at writing on my actual journal, and I have been doing good, but this particular experience that I had yesterday is worth sharing. I hope it is inspiring.

The Power of a Simple Prayer (yes, I decided to put a title on it!)

The last few days have been very interesting to me in the sense that I have been feeling a need to be closer to my Heavenly Father. A couple weeks ago a friend of mine from the LDS Business College decided to take his own life and that was pretty shocking. I was perplexed when I knew of what happened and for some reason I have been thinking through what could have caused him to do such a thing. On my last post I copied and pasted the lyrics for the song "Consider the Lilies", which was played on President Hinckley's and Elder Wirthlin's funerals and I guess because I knew that my friend had gone to the other side of the veil, I thought of that hymn. Anyways.

It has been a tough week for me. Yesterday was an especially busy day for me. I have been involved in different activities all day and I was exhausted but I still had my friend's birthday party to attend. I was a little discouraged to go because it had rained SO HARD and the roads were really wet. But I had to go, otherwise I know my friend would have been very sad. I decided to call Kika and ask her to wait for me so we could follow each other to the party, just in case something might happen we would be able to help each other somehow. We were getting to leave her home and we were already late but for some reason I asked Kika if we could pray before leaving the house. She thought that was an odd request since I don't have the habit (and maybe I should create the habit) of doing that, but she agreed. I offered a simple and short prayer but I guess the intentions of my heart were deep, and left.

On the way to Herriman, between exits 284 and 288, a crazy driver was cutting through the cars and speeding like no one. All I remember seeing was her trying to cut through the cars and "sharing" the same lane at the same time with a big SUV. When I saw that happening I thought "Oh, my gosh, she's going to hit him, oh she's going to hit him". And she did. At approximately 90 miles an hour. I was on the right lane and the crash happened on the middle lane right by me. Her car spun in front of my car and for some reason (which I believe the Lord put His hands on my car and helped me) when I pressed the brakes, it went smooth. I was able to stop the car and not hit her, but I was scared that that might happen. She spun again on the shoulder, her bumper fell off her car (together with her license plate - she is SO in trouble), and while the guy she hit went to the shoulder and maybe wait for the cops, she flipped him off and took off. I believe she was under the influence.

I called the Highway Patrol and gave a detailed description of the felon woman. I don't know whether they caught her or not but I hope they did.

After all that, I was talking to Kika about it -- she was right behind me in her car with Olivia and she told me the lady had been cutting in front of everyone -- and she said that it was inspired of me to offer that prayer. Again I don't know the reason why I decided to pray at that moment, but I AM SO SURE that because of that prayer Heavenly Father spared us from a horrible accident.

Such a short and simple prayer. Answered.

Happy Week to All :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Consider The Lilies

Just because I have been thinking about this song a lot lately...

Consider The Lilies
(Mormon Tabernacle Choir)

Consider the lilies of the field--how they grow, how they grow.
Consider the birds of the sky--how they fly, how they fly.
He clothes the lilies of the field. He feeds the birds in the sky
and He will feed those who trust Him and Guide them with His eye.

Consider the sheep of his fold--how they follow where he leads.
Though the path may wind across the mountains,
He knows the meadows where they feed.
He clothes the lilies of the field. He feeds the birds in the sky
and He will feed those who trust Him and Guide them with His eye.

Consider the sweet tender children who must suffer on this earth.
The pains of all of them he carried from the day of his birth.
He clothes the lilies of the field. He feeds the lambs of his fold
and He will heal those who trust Him and make their hearts as gold.

He clothes the lilies of the field. He feeds the lambs of his fold
and He will heal those who trust Him and make their hearts as gold.

How I love my Savior!

Happy Wednesday :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What the Heck is Going On?

I have no idea why I am so not into blogging these last few months. I mean, I try to find something fun to talk about, or something relevant, and I can't find something that will attract people to read it... I guess I'm not motivated because I haven't had many people hitting my blog, or leaving a comment, or whatever... Life's tough!!!

I am working hard at Rodizio Grill and making sure that the ads are made for all the magazines and stuff. One fun thing that I have been able to do is to say NO to people!!! hehehehe... Rodizio receives SO MANY offers from people for us to advertise with them and bla bla bla, and we have to refuse a bunch of them... So I have been given the privilege of doing that... mean huh!

I'm loving my job here. I have been able to do a lot of things and also have been able to learn a lot from all the assignments I have been given. :)

Other than that there's nothing very interesting... I still have a ton of pictures that I need to upload from my camera in order to post my albuns on Facebook and Orkut... Oh, and yes, only 49 more days until I go to BRAZIL!!! Oh, yeah!

Happy Tuesday to whoever still comes here :P

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Weekend on a Single Post...

Has been fun!!! I have been filled with activities and I love that! On Saturday I was able to sleep in... I was so tired from last week and I guess it took me sometime to realize that. I wish I had slept all day long Saturday, but my mind tells me NO!!! It is indeed a WASTE OF TIME :P Every time I think about sleeping I remember Elder Scott's talk that he gave a long time ago on a General Conference I believe, that time is PRECIOUS and it doesn't come back... So I guess I might as well take advantage of time :)

Paid off one of my CC's... So happy! Next week I'll kill another one. How exciting!!! Yay!

Yesterday church was awesome, then I went to a friend's baby shower in Lehi. A Blast! I had so much fun!

Today? Rodizio!!! And I ate FOR FREE!!! Gotta love that. That food is AMAZING!!! Oh my goodness! It was a lot of fun! Kika, Trevor and Andy are great company! I had a blast!!!

Now? Well, now I better go to bed... All that meat made me tired :P

Happy Week!!!
