Wednesday, November 25, 2009

There's more I'm Thankful for

For my sanctuary. My bedroom :)

For my BED!!!

For the Temple on an after-snow day :)

And for having legs to walk across Campus, and for my eyes to enjoy that wonderful view.

Happy Thanksgiving in Advance! I'll post some other things I'm grateful for this Thursday :)


Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm Thankful For...

"Rexburg Sunsets"

That's one thing that I can't complain about living far far away: The sunsets I am able to enjoy every day when I'm coming back from a long work day are PRICELESS, and I am very grateful for the opportunity that I have to enjoy them.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Forgotten Tradition

Last year I tried to put one thing that I was grateful for during the month of November... Guess what? I FORGOT about it! It is probably due to the stress that I'm going through right now... In one of my counseling sessions, my therapist told me that it is normal for my memory to shut down, and I do forget stuff, such as the section on a final project. The result? A "B" instead of an "A". Yes, I completely forgot to report on one section of the project. How DUMB is that? Or the 80-point project that was due Monday night for my Marketing Law class, and I FORGOT about it!!! :) Now I can only get 40 points because the teacher was nice enough to let me hand it in later...

Well, how about being grateful for something? At least for a week I can be grateful for stuff, if I don't forget, right? Here it goes:

I'M GRATEFUL FOR MY BRAIN, even though it is not functioning at it's normal rate, and even though ALL my grades are going down no matter how hard I study. At least I have a brain, right? ;)


Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Inner Vase

This year has been really hard for me so far. I guess because I am on the verge of graduation (April 2010), and because I am almost 28 years old, and basically since February 12 I have been considered "a menace to society" - wise words of Brigham Young referring to the 27 and older MALES that were not married - I do think I fit in though... Even being a female! :)

But there are many things that happened, and I mentioned them here. But for some reason I have been feeling like I need to clean my Inner Vase in order to feel better about myself. I have been through a lot of discouraging situations. I am currently having to deal with constant fatigue, with an acne treatment that is lasting forever with a very strong medicine that's bringing my cholesterol and my triglycerides up, and bringing my mood down - it can cause depression, especially in people who already suffered from it *hint*hint*, and far away with my parents, overwhelmed with school and work, lonely, and single.

Sometimes I feel I am "entitled" to complain about my life. But as I was looking back on it a few weeks ago I realized that probably most of the problem was caused by myself. I then decided to take a few steps to "clean my inner vase" and I have been able to see some results. There are some things that still discourage me - I'm scared of what the near future holds. I'm afraid I won't be able to find a decent job, I'm afraid of staying in Idaho or going down to Utah - I am craving a change! Some people know that I LOVE CHANGES!!! And I think it's about time... Am I ever going to settle down? I hope so!

But going back to the inner vase thing, it's working. Slowly but surely! I never lost hope that eventually my life will get better. I have all the reasons to be grateful right now: my health is hanging in there, I feel the love that my parents have for me, I have a job that helps me get by, I get help from my school in pretty much whatever I need (except for finding a date), and I have my TV :) I still need to work on my anger management - note that I am not a violent person but I do get pretty upset about some stuff and basically I refuse to talk to the person until be anger goes down. This has been an issue. But I'm getting there.

Going to the Temple has helped me a bunch. I love being there, even though most of the times I'll be sleepy, but it's good to go there and meditate upon the things that I need to improve on and the things that I'm grateful for.

Today I literally cleaned my room, and that helped me feel a little more spiritual peace. I'm hoping this week will get better and that by the end of it I will be smiling more :)

To all of you who might be in a similar situation, I encourage you to try to do the same. Again it can be a slow process as trials will keep coming, but at least you'll feel more prepared to face them.

P.S. I mentioned that trials keep coming. I just burned a Kettle (forgot it on the stove - I was planning to make some Peppermint tea - and completely forgot about it. The fire alarm went off and now the house stinks). And life is good! *sarcasm*


Friday, November 6, 2009

Giveaway at

So, I had to post it so I can get my chance as well :)

Check it out, girls!!!

Kevin & Amanda

Free Digital Scrapbooking Kit??? I want it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

First Item of the Christmas List

So, since I've been here in the US, Christmas hasn't been too much fun. It's hard to be far away from my family, and even harder to have to deal with snow storms at Christmas time... NO FUN! That was my experience last year. I couldn't even go down to Salt Lake City to spend Christmas with my friends because the roads were just SO bad...

Since I don't know what this Christmas reserves for me, I believe I deserve AT LEAST a nice gift...

This is what is item number 1 on my Personal Christmas List:

Reebok EasyTone

I watched a commercial this week and that sparked my interest. Since then I've been researching about it and reading reviews, which appear to be very helpful. And since I am becoming a "Gym Freak" those shoes might boost my workouts. The cool thing about them is that they are supposed to work your hamstrings, your calves (that's my biggest interest at the moment), and the butt.

With the workouts themselves I have been able to see results on the other 2 parts, but I've always had big calves, and to be honest, I'm not a big fan of them. I should be grateful though, at least I have calves!!! :) But anyways... I might try it on next time I go to the mall. NOTE: I might TRY THEM ON, not buy them... Because in order to buy them, I'll need to save up, and that might take me a little time... Maybe that will be my gift to my wonderful self for Christmas :)
