Monday, July 28, 2008

The Week on a Single Post v.I

I have to say... This past week was incredibly FUN!!!  I'll talk about the pics and will continue in other posts...

The picture on the top is of me, Zeb, and Tanner. Zeb is Anselmo's new roomate... (no comments about Zeb's hotness). Tanner is their neighbor. He's 18! I thought he was older... I call him Prince William heheheh... Sunday we went on a hike somewhere far away from rexburg :P

Following pic... Anselmo and I when we got to the top. Pay attention to the sunset. AMAZING!

On Tuesday I went and visited with the Clarks. I love them so much! I had a great time and had to record the moment. On the pic: me, Dean and Marion 

In the afternoon we had to indulge! Oh boy is the Cheesecake Factory good... One whole year without going, I HAD to visit the new Utah one ;) I had a Snicker's Cheesecake... I'll put the picture on later :)

The last picture of this post. All the tchongas that went to the CCF ;) From left to right: Fia (Lizzie), Katie, Jeane, Me, and Talytinha Rocha.

There's more to come but I need to do my laundry.... ;)


Friday, July 25, 2008

Vacationing in Utah

Wow what a cool week! I've been able to do SO MUCH stuff while down here in Utah... I took a bunch of pictures that I actually need to upload to my computer in order to post them here, but all is well! Except for the heat. It is unbearable, oh boy!!!

Maybe later tonight I'll come with the pics ;) I'm off to seize the day! Woo Hoo!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Move In, Move Out, Move In, Move Out...

Oh boy!!! I am SO EXHAUSTED!!! Yesterday I had to move all my stuff out... and back in again!!! I had to move in between apartments in my complex. Looks like they are going to do a bunch of stuff in it... Whatever... So I moved to building 2.

I was supposed to be working my shift at the Rexburg Temple yesterday, but there was NO WAY I could go, especially because I had no one to help me. My bro Anselmo helped me a little bit, but he as well had to move all his stuff out... Sometimes the ladies at the Temple can be a little not understanding... I had finals ALL WEEK, had to move out, and they still wanted me to find a sub... Boy last time I called the people who could possibly sub would always tell me NO. And they weren't too nice. Maybe it's time for me to find another shift at the Temple...

Up above are some pics of yesterday. We ended up at a park by the Idaho Falls Temple and had FREE Pizza Hut there :) We were all bored!!!

In the pictures: Marise (From Haiti, she's so AWESOME, you know what I'm saying?), Anselmo (the ONLY guy in the pic), Me (You know me!!!), and Camila (crazy Camila)

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am done... For 7 Weeks at least ;)

Finals are OVER.

Off to a good nap now ;)


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Finals are ROLLING... Crazy day...


I killed one FINAL!!! The one of the hardest ones... Business Law. I'm going to know my score by Thursday hopefully...

Right now I am at the library, taking a break from the studies, but in 10 minutes I'm going to take another final that I forgot that I had: Entrepreneurship. I handed the Business Plan today ;) I'll also know about the score this Thursday...

Today something bad happened: A lot of people in the Library (including me), witnessed a gentleman have a heart attack. It was awful! I don't know if he survided but I saw him leaving the building trying to be revived. He looked dead though :( My prayers are with him and his family at this moment. I don't know if he is/was a school employee. I guess we are going to hear about it later...

Well, better go... Entrepreneurship is waiting for me at the Testing Center...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Striking a Pose...

Looks like this Finals Week is going to be a LOT of fun! I've been pretty involved in my projects and tests, but I had time to have some good fun today...

Anselmo and I LOVE to show off!!! So we decided to go to the BYU-Idaho Photography Studio and take some "professional" pictures for the cover of our projects... It was HILARIOUS!!! Here are some of them. ENJOY!!!

P.S. Afternoon was AWESOME! I had some quality time with "Six Pack" hehehehe... KIKA!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday Night Fever...

Rexburg is such an interesting place... Sometimes you have so much to do that you don't know what to choose, and sometimes you have to clean the house so you can say you did something. Literally...

Yesterday I went with Anselmo and Marise (my partners in crime) to Rigby Lake, right after the last post hehehehe... Rigby Lake is like a "beach" (yeah, right!) 10 miles away from Rexburg. We took our school material so we could study while getting a little bit of a tan and enjoying the breeze. That didn't happen. The three of us fell asleep on the sand :) We didn't get burned however. We probably spent about a couple hours there, observing the people with their families have fun. It was good for me to be outside for a little while.

I have been very sick for the past few weeks, and even yesterday I was still feeling a little bit of the sickness to my stomach. When I got home I had to take some medicine and try to take a nap. But I was SO bored that I wanted to do something...

I finally texted "Six Pack". Asked him what he was up to and if he wanted to go on an adventure with me, Anselmo and Marise. He agreed to it. There we go roaming around town to FIND the party hehehehe...

We found it! It was somewhere a little outside of Rexburg. I was a little scared at first because apparently, it was a high school party mingled with a lot of BYU-Idaho students, and it looked pretty crazy... I was afraid "Six Pack" wouldn't like the idea of going in there.

Little did I know... I think he had more fun than I did!!! It was SO CUTE seeing him making his moves and dancing!!! I would never expect that ;) He's usually a quiet guy, but one thing I have noticed about him is that he likes to spend time with me, even though I am the way I am... Meaning he accepts my craziness :D

One thing is for sure: We both had a lot of fun, and today, Porter Park is waiting for us... For a nice pic nic and some studying for Finals as well ;)

Where "Six Pack" and I are going to go I'm not sure. But I'm not worried either. We are having a heck of a good time and that's what really matters.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Been a While...


Remember about the whole PodCast competition that I participated in a couple weeks ago? A MESS!!! Anywho, Anselmo and I trying to solve the situation as there were A LOT of misunderstandings and we were supposed to win but it didn't happen. We took the issue to the Bookstore (who happened to "organize" the contest) and we are waiting on results... I'll probably have the info this Monday... Or maybe never...

Here's the participating PodCast:

Oh by the way, that's me in the blonde wig hehehehe
Talk about getting out of your comfort zone ;)

Finals week is around. I presented my 2 biggest projects on Thursday. I hope I did good. I took a Business Law Test today and got an 80. Not too bad for someone who didn't study that much. The final for this class is this Tuesday, together with a 10-page business plan due for the Entrepreneurship class... I also have an online simulation that is due on Thursday and there are 4 rounds for it, as well as a final due on Friday for Business Discovery... ;) GOOD TIMES
